Your name or organization (optional):
Your business category: ConsultingEducationResearchResellerGovernmentOther
Your business location? Africa Asia Australia Europe North America Central America South America Middle East
Which product(s) have you used so far? SIMAHPP5 SIMAHPP4 VINMOD EDigitizer
If you are existing user, how often do you use the product(s)? Daily Weekly Once a month Once in 2-3 months Once in 6 months Once in a year I don't use
How do you rate the performance of our product(s)? ExcellentVery goodGoodBadVery badI haven't used yet
On how many projects have you used the product so far? 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 More than 20
If you are SIMAHPP4 user, Do you plan to upgraded the product to SIMAHPP5? Yes, in 1 month Yes, in 3 months Yes, in 6 months I do not know
In general, would you recommend our products to other users? Very likely likely Not sure Not at all
Would you consider professional support services from HydroXpert? Very likely likely Not sure Not at all
How did you know about our products ? Internet SearchProfessional networksAds from other websiteThrough a FriendHydroxpert NewsOther
In general, how would you rate our customer support? Excellent Very good Good Bad
If you have any additional comments and/or suggestions, please add into the following field: