Water allocation & management solution: WaterSys for multi-sectoral water
HydroXpert / Water allocation & management solution: WaterSys for multi-sectoral water

Water allocation & management solution: WaterSys for multi-sectoral water

clock-102059_960_720Effective water resources planning, water allocation and management depends on our ability to illustrate and build water resources balance with respect to various water sources (surface water, groundwater, recycled water) and multi-sectoral uses (domestic, agricultural, industrial, energy) in a given spatial and temporal context of a river basin.  The various sources, uses, and operational functions make up a water system with which basin administrators and decision makers can evaluate, tailor-made, and plan for multipurpose uses of water by taking into account changes to demand and supply due to factors related to climate changes, demographic, economic development, living standards and styles.

However, with multiple sources (surface water, groundwater, recycled water) and competing uses of water (domestic, agriculture, industry, energy) under multiple factors (population growth, change in life style, climate change, economic activities), the planning process becomes complicated  decsion matrix.


WaterSys is a decision framework for multi-sectoral water allocation and management to plan inclusively, develop water resources economically, allocate water optimally among competing users, and manage water resources sustainably by taking into account the dynamics of population growth, climate change and economic activities. It provides a quantitative assessment and analysis of water resources demand and supply in a dynamic (time varied) situation at local, national, and transboundary levels.


  • Water policy development and implementations
  • Optimum allocation of water resources among competing users
  • Economical allocation of resources on investments
  • Reduce cost and time for planning and management of system extensions
  • Understand the water system for research or education


  • Planning of water demand and supply
  • Analyze quantitatively existing and future water demands and supply
  • Analyze water footprint of natural and/or industrial systems
  • Indicate decision measures on new water allocations and investments
  • Design and specify water needs and water extractions
  • Supervise and monitor development of infrastructures for water storage, delivery, and use (irrigation, domestic, industrial, ..)
  • Transboundary water management, conflict resoultion